10 New Things We Learned About Joss Whedon's Justice League

The Green Lantern Corps are back, for starters.

Superman Justice League
DC Comics

One of the best things about this year's comic con was, undeniably, DC's presence in Hall H. Fans would have been forgiven for being trepidatious about the DC Extended Universe last year, but - after the revitalising release of Wonder Woman - no such worries appear to have persisted. Just look at the reaction to Justice League's latest trailer to allay such calls to the contrary.

It certainly looks impressive, packing all the spectacle and bombast that's so often typified DC's approach to moviemaking along with a renewed commitment to explore what makes their characters tick. Indeed, if there's any lesson that Wonder Woman has managed to impart, it would be that character driven narratives work; the perennial gloom of the DCU need not apply to live action.

Justice League's latest trailer certainly packed a punch. Between giving audiences their first look at Steppenwolf (Darkseid's madder, badder uncle), and newcomers Aquaman and Flash, it also illustrated WB's determination to build the DCEU from the top down. We've got the Justice League, yes, but we're now faced with the question of what come before? It's a question that fans can expect to see answered in some way or another, but the hints for said answers are actually in our grasp all ready.

Well, if Saturday's trailer is anything to go by at least.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Dad Movies are my jam.