10 'Next Big Thing' Movies That Completely Flopped

4. Fast And Furious (D-Box)

The Fast And The Furious

Now, don't get me wrong, the Fast and Furious movies are some of the most successful films of the past couple of decades, and nobody in their right mind would call any of them (well, except maybe 2 Fast 2 Furious) a failure. That said, Fast and Furious (which is unfathomably the fourth entry) did not usher in the D-Box revolution like it no doubt wanted to.

In the ever-changing nature of cinemas introducing new gimmicks as an excuse to hike up the ticket price, D-box seats were supposed to put you in the Fast and Furious experience with seats that shook and a whole bunch of other sensory tricks to make you throw up all that popcorn you just ate.

I have to explain it, because there's a good chance you've never actually tried this cinemagoing experience yourself. That's because, while it is still used today, it didn't have the same surge that 3D did after Avatar, and I have no idea why you'd want to see a new film for the first time in this format.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3