10 Non-Horror Films Scarier Than Most Horrors

4. American History X

American History X is a drama film directed by Tony Kaye about the story of two American brothers who become heavily involved in the neo-nazi movement. It deals with many controversial themes, including graphic violence, sexual violence and racist crimes. These sort of things landed it an €œR€ rating, but the film was still a critical success, with Edward Norton€™s brave, lead performance being especially and rightly praised. What makes American History X such an intensely frightening drama film is its unflinching portrayal of racism and hate crimes. Norton€™s character and his younger brother (Edward Furlong) at different times in their lives share the same racist ideology, fuelling some utterly despicable acts, including the famous curb-stomping scene, which is near-impossible to sit through without squirming. It's a brave story that attempts to bring these dark themes to light, and that€™s why it€™s scary. So many of the film€™s characters are hateful people with disgusting ideals, and it€™s horrifying to know that people like this exist in the real world. Racism is an-always relevant problem in most societies and this film shows just how big a problem it can be, portraying the worst the human race has to offer.
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Joe is a television junkie. A film fanatic. A pop culture know-it-all. An interactive media masters student, and a bass player. 22 years old and Irish. Thinks Netflix is a Godsend.