10 Not-So-Traditional Christmas Flicks

5. Lethal Weapon (1987)

For most folks, John McTiernan's seminal Die Hard has become the only action movie even worth mentioning during the Christmas season. While Die Hard is great fun and a great film, I have to argue that Lethal Weapon is not only a better picture but also has better performances from both its heroes and villain. Maybe it's the everyman charm of Bruce Willis that makes John McClane so easy to like, but I think Mel Gibson's maniac with a death wish Martin Riggs is a much more fascinating and watchable character. Plus, you get Danny Glover in a role that pretty much defined his career, and the chemistry between him and Gibson make for the quintessential buddy cop movie of all time. Written by Shane Black (another filmmaker who seems to love Christmas. This spot on the list could have easily gone to his brilliant directorial debut Kiss Kiss Bang Bang) with a razor sharp wit and glorious action sequences, Lethal Weapon is more than a worthy successor to Die Hard's unchallenged Christmas action movie throne. And in the end, Gary Busey trumps Alan Rickman every time. Every. Time
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Drew Dietsch is an Entertainment Editor at Fandom.com. He's written for CHUD.com, the News-Press, WhatCulture, and releases a weekly podcast about his media consumption called The Drew Reviews Podcast.