10 Notorious Box Office Bombs That Are Actually Pretty Good

7. The Lone Ranger (2013)


Budget: $225m Box Office: $260.5m RT: 31%

Another movie that was long-predicted to be a box office bomb long before it hit theaters, The Lone Ranger managed to make back the production budget during its theatrical run, but quite why the studio thought it was a good idea to spend so much money on a Western is anybody's guess.

The Lone Ranger has its problems. Many of them, in fact. The production team transported the Pirates of the Caribbean formula to another genre, but didn't learn from any of the mistakes that had made Dead Man's Chest and At World's End so disappointing. The movie is at least 40 minutes too long, suffers from a hugely uneven tone that incorporates both poop jokes and a villain that eats peoples hearts in the same movie, features too many unnecessary characters and a plot that is over-complicated almost to the point of nonsense.

That being said, The Lone Ranger does have its merits. The cinematography is stunning, Armie Hammer and Johnny Depp have great chemistry as the central duo, and the action sequences are incredibly well put together, with the climactic train chase in particular one of the best set-pieces in recent years. While it will never go down as a classic, the movie will surely find life as a guilty pleasure of cinema fans for years to come.


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