10 Obnoxious Viewpoints Closeminded Moviegoers Hold

10. The Oscars Are Dumb Because Mainstream Blockbuster X Wasn€™t Nominated Or Didn€™t Win

Avatar Ever since the Academy expanded the Best Picture selections to 10 films per year it has brought with it one or two more mainstream nominations. These inclusions most notably include Inception, Avatar, and other more visual effects heavy films. I have nothing against either of these films - in fact I tend to love them too and agree that they€™re worthy of a nomination. Just because they don€™t win doesn€™t mean there€™s some crime against humanity being committed though. If you don€™t enjoy the majority of the films nominated then the ceremony isn€™t targeted at you anyway, so spare us your complaining when the years smartest blockbuster loses to great films like Argo. Rooting for something is fine, I was rallying for Black Swan in 2010 and Inglorious Basterds in 2009 which didn€™t win but there€™s nothing you can do. Getting angry isn€™t going to solve anything.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.