2014 was an exceptional year for blockbusters. Marvel proved that their superhero films were anything but one-trick ponies by following the paranoid conspiracy thriller vibe of Captain America: The Winter Soldier with the sharp-witted, rebellious sci-fi Guardians Of The Galaxy; Tom Cruise completed his career rehabilitation after Sofagate by starring alongside Emily Blunt in wildly inventive action film Edge Of Tomorrow; the X-Men franchise got back on track with Days Of Future Past; and that fourth Transformers film, um, happened. Less said about that the better. With all that popcorn fodder vying for your attention, and with Hollywood unleashing their big guns even before the summer window has fully been cracked, it's possible your attention was drawn away from some of the smaller, more interesting cinematic releases of the year. It's nothing to be ashamed of. We all like shiny things, like explosions and Sebastian Stan's glittering eyes. Amongst all of the big-budget chaos, however, 2014 was also a top-notch year for indie, art house, and part-animated adaptations of classic Polish science fiction novels starring her out of House Of Cards. If you're quick, you can still catch them at the cinema. If not, a weekend sat in front of Netflix or some hastily added titles to the Christmas list are in order. However you get them into your eyeholes, these are the ten obscure movies of 2014 you absolutely need to see.
Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/