10 Off-Screen Horror Movie Deaths That Will Haunt You Forever

2. Nurse Alves - Halloween II (1981)

Let The Right One In
Universal Pictures

Three years after John Carpenter introduced the world to Michael Myers in the first Halloween film, the Shatner mask-wearing psychopath returned for yet more carnage.

Halloween II picks up right after the events of the previous movie, revealing that Michael survived being shot by Dr. Loomis and is now more dangerous than ever. The Shape is able to track Laurie Strode down to a nearby hospital, where he hopes to finish her off, taking as many people as possible with her. 

One of his victims is the head nurse of the facility Virginia Alves, played by Gloria Gifford. She’s initially introduced as a bit of a killjoy, keeping paramedic Jimmy away from his crush Laurie, but that still doesn’t warrant what happens to her.

Jimmy finds Alves already dead and strapped to a gurney. She had been fitted with an IV and drained of all her blood, like someone trying to get the last drops of juice out of a Capri-Sun. As slow and painful deaths go, this one is right up there. Imagining Nurse Alves lying there with no hope of escape is stomach-turning.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.