10 Off-Screen Horror Movie Deaths That Will Haunt You Forever

3. The Cast Of Gordy’s Home - Nope

Let The Right One In

The third film from comedy legend/twisted maniac Jordan Peele, 2022’s Nope is a multi-layered story about a mysterious alien that appears in the sky above the California desert. One of the themes of this movie is the mistreatment of animals by human beings, highlighted in the flashback sequences of Steven Yeun’s character, Jupe.

As a child actor, Jupe appeared on a sitcom called Gordy’s Home, which was about an ordinary family living with a chimpanzee. Gordy, the chimp, was a nice ape most of the time, until one day he freaked out at the sounds of balloons popping.

Jupe recalls hiding under a table as the animal brutally slaughtered the rest of the cast. Chimps are incredibly strong, known to rip people’s faces off when threatened, so one can only imagine the horrors this one committed on his rampage.

Poor Gordy is then shot dead by police, which might just be the saddest part of this whole bloody sequence. Basically, the moral of the story is that wild animals should be left in the wild, not paraded out on TV for the purposes of light entertainment. 


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.