10 Opening Movie Scenes That Do More Than You Realise

9. More Foreshadowing Than You Think - Final Destination

Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan
New Line Cinema

It's of course the entire plot of the Final Destination movies that a group of people narrowly avoid death after one of them has a premonition of their future demise, before Death itself returns to claim their lives.

Yet in the lead up to the first film's unforgettable plane crash sequence, there's some downright brilliant visual foreshadowing of how each of the movie's ill-fated characters will eventually be taken down by Death.

First there's protagonist Alex's (Devon Sawa) best pal Tod (Chad Donella), who performs a throat-cutting and strangulation motion to Alex on the plane in an attempt to shut him up, only for him to be accidentally hanged in his shower later.

Then we have Billy (Seann William Scott), who after disembarking the plane stares at it flying off out the airport window, with the plane's reflection traveling across his head. Whaddayaknow? Later on, his head is sliced in two by a piece of metal debris with the exact same trajectory across his noggin.

And finally we have poor Terry (Amanda Detmer), who following the plane's explosion is shown standing in front of a painting of a bus, only to eventually by creamed by a speeding bus.

It's incredibly easy to miss these visual signifiers - especially on an oblivious first viewing, obviously - which likely inspired the third movie's inclusion of a subplot where photographs provide clues to the characters' fates.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.