10 Opening Movie Scenes That Wanted To Make You Uncomfortable

2. Kids

Shame Michael Fassbender
Shining Excalibur Films

Larry Clark's extremely controversial 1995 drama Kids follows a group of New York teenagers as they explore their burgeoning sexuality, and Clark throws viewers right in the deep end from the very first scene.

This scene involves a boy, Telly (Leo Fitzpatrick), coercing a 12-year-old girl into having sex with him.

The girl makes it abundantly clear that she's not all that sure about it, but as an older, more experienced partner, Telly easily manages to pressure her into agreeing.

Clark then lingers on the scene as the pair have sex, and while the girl complains about the pain of losing her virginity, we're subjected to a skin-crawling voiceover from Telly, who details how much he loves having sex with virginal girls.

The crushing sense of reality to the scene, that this is precisely how older boys take advantage of young girls, lends it a stomach-churning quality.

And much like Widows, it feels offputtingly intimate, accentuated by Clark's unvarnished visual style which grants the scene an even greater air of docu-style authenticity.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.