10 Oscar Winners That Also 'Won' Razzies

5. Kevin Costner

During the late 1980's and early 1990's, Kevin Costner was without a doubt one of the biggest movie stars on the planet. The critical and commercial success of Dances With Wolves marked the pinnacle of his career, with the movie grossing $424.4m at the worldwide box office and winning seven Academy Awards including Best Picture and Best Director. While he may possess two Oscars, Costner is also the unlucky recipient of no less than six Razzies. Well, it could be a lot worse seeing as the actor has racked up sixteen nominations at the Golden Raspberries, with the low point being awards for Worst Picture, Worst Director and Worst actor for the interminable The Postman. With seven nods for Worst Actor (not to mention another for Worst Actor of the Century) alone, Costner is right up there with Sylvester Stallone as one of the Razzies' all-time favorite whipping boys.

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