10 Oscar Winning Films That Are Actually Bad

6. Cold Mountain

Crash Michael Pena
Miramax Films

Renée Zellweger got her third nomination in three consecutive years and finally won for Cold Mountain. The film seems like the worst type of “Oscar-Bait;” a period-piece full of over-acting, war, tears, romance, and big names. Director Anthony Minghella is an Academy favourite who’s two previous films before Cold Mountain earned numerous nominations and wins as well.

The stacked cast of Zellweger, Jude Law, Nicole Kidman, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Natalie Portman, Giovanni Ribisi, Brendan Gleeson, Donald Sutherland, Charlie Hunnam, and Jack White make up the far too loaded cast. Even actors and actresses with so many awards and accolades such as the one mentioned couldn’t perform the pretentious and emotionless script they were given with any sort of authenticity.

The film tried to be the next Gone with the Wind, Glory, or Dances with Wolves, but failed wholly. The movie has fallen completely out of the public’s consciousness and lives virtually nowhere within cinematic memory. The director has not made another film in 13 years after the justifiably lukewarm critical and audience reaction to the period drama.

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