10 Oscars The Marvel Cinematic Universe Should Have Won In A Fair World

2. Best Actor - Robert Downey Jr., Iron Man

It could be argued that Marvel owes a huge debt to Robert Downey Jr., but seeing as they already made him the highest paid actor in the world by injecting $50 million into his bank account for The Avengers alone, the debt's probably already considered settled. Still, Downey Jr's pivotal role in the success of the MCU must never be underestimated. Together with Iron Man director Jon Favreau, RDJ set the serio-comic tone for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, made it a great deal more acceptable for highly-regarded 'serious' actors to star in superhero movies, and had fans hankering for more, which Marvel Studios quickly saw to by releasing movie after successful movie, never pausing to look back. It's arguable that none of that would have been possible if Downey Jr. hadn't been absolutely superb as Tony Stark/Iron Man in Marvel's flagship film. Though it could be said Downey Jr's Stark schtick has by now become a bit samey (that's what you'll get after five film appearances in just five years) he was, in Iron Man, a revelation, all wise cracks, buried darkness and effortless charisma. It's the kind of role that's instantly iconic, unforgettable, absolutely worthy of an Oscar, and absolutely never going to win one.

Lover of film, writer of words, pretentious beyond belief. Thinks Scorsese and Kubrick are the kings of cinema, but PT Anderson and David Fincher are the dashing young princes. Follow Brogan on twitter if you can take shameless self-promotion: @BroganMorris1