10 Overexposed Actors Who Should Take A Break Before We Get Sick Of Them

9. Leonardo DiCaprio

Gatsby Leonardo DiCaprio is one of my all-time favourite actors - no matter the performance, you can always tell that the former Titanic star is putting in 100% percent. He doesn't make half-assed contributions, which is why pretty much every role that he's taken on in the last decade or so has earned him critical acclaim. Many thought that he'd never rebrand himself after being renowned as "that guy from Titantic," but he's successfully managed. Over the last few years, DiCaprio has given us some of his best ever film roles, what with brilliant turns in Shutter Island, Inception, J. Edgar, Django Unchained, and The Great Gastby (shame about the rest of the movie). He's also set to appear as the lead in upcoming Scorsese flick The Wolf of Wall Street. Thing is, these are all huge roles - weighty and complex, and with Gatsby to top it off, there's a reason why some of us feel a little exhausted by it all. DiCaprio has talked about taking some time off soon, and I think that's possibly the best move he could make - risking enough Oscar-baity role (c'mon, he loves 'em) so soon after Gatsby and Wolf could prove too much.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.