10 Overlooked 2019 Films That You Really Need To See

6. The Dead Don't Die

Dragged Across Concrete
Focus Features

People love zombies. If you haven't boarded the flesh-eating train by now, therein lies the reason why you probably missed Jim Jarmusch's The Dead Don't Die.

That being said, it appears that even the living-dead's fandom didn't want to give this black-comedy the attention it so richly merited. Much of that could be attributed to its critical reception; with many weighing in that the film was 'average' at best.

Sure, The Dead Don't Die could be viewed as a bit niche and plays with its tone and themes throughout (at one point, Adam Driver's character even references that he knows what happens next, as he's read the script) but the zom-com has enough going for it in terms of wit and star-power to appeal to more than the few who gave it a chance.

Dead-pan performances, from Driver and Bill Murray, married into an ever more dead world, make for a movie that can make you belly laugh - one zombie's craving for chardonnay will provoke laughter eternally - and even elicit remorse for the inevitable doom that is slowly swallowing our protagonists.

Zombieland and Shaun of the Dead, it is not. However, Jarmusch isn't aiming for that and the results make for a film that refuses to play by any genre's rules.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...