A superhero film is only as good as its best action scene, and Superman Returns has a really strong one. This standout sequence, of course, is the airplane crash. If this scene were in a more beloved movie, itd probably be one of those sequences that people bang on about all the time. Everything is handled well in the airplane set piece. Its easy to engage in the stakes of the scene because Lois Lane is on board, and the explosions, flying and CGI flying all blend together very tightly. Add to this a righteous performance from Brandon Routh and some stellar John Williams-inspired musical fanfare and youve got a scene that sticks to Supermans well-established strengths while offering up blockbuster-sized spectacle. Its like a perfect Christopher Reeve scene reshot for the modern age. The car-saving scene is shorter, but has a similar effectiveness. And, later on, Singer serves up action on a different scale. A de-powered Superman having the living daylights beaten out of him by Lex Luthor and his goons; getting stabbed, kicked in the stomach and dragged across a rocky floor by his face. Singer clearly understands that its not all about blowing stuff up, and that sometimes you need to get brutal and personal in order to maintain the sense of threat.