10 Painfully Long Movie Marathons You Have To Do At Least Once

7. The Planet Of The Apes - 840 Minutes

20th Century Fox

The Films: Planet Of The Apes, Beneath The..., Escape From The..., Conquest For The..., Battle For The..., Crappy Remake Of The..., Rise Of The..., Dawn Of The...

Just How Long? 14 Hours

Why You Have To Try It: If you ever needed proof of Planet Of The Apes'€™ creativity, the fact there€™'s over ten hours worth of action in the series after Charlton Heston happens upon Lady Liberty should do.

After the original, most people€™'s exposure to the series is Tim Burton€™'s remake and the surprisingly good Rise and Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes, but there's four films of varying quality in there worth seeing. Standouts are Beneath, which continues the originals story by throwing mutants and more overt nuclear commentary into the mix, and Escape, which returns to Pierre Boulle€™'s original novel and reverses the base concept.

Watching the films straight through is something the gang in The Big Bang Theory never succeeded at, but it is definitely worth trying; there'€™s not the same depth to be had as there is with some other marathons, but it acts as a celebration of pre-Star Wars, high concept sci-fi. If you€™'re feeling classical, you could just do the original five movies, which comes in at 486 minutes, but given how much time you€™'d already be putting in, it seems silly not to complete the set.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.