10 Perfect Horror Movies About Hollywood
1. Mulholland Drive

Arguably David Lynch’s masterpiece, 2001’s noir-horror Mulholland Drive is a film built around a mystery that doesn’t need to be solved. It’s a bizarre, twisting narrative that encourages the viewer to go invest, without trying too hard to figure out what every piece means.
There can be few films that paint Hollywood as such a land of nightmares. Naomi Watts and Laura Harding star as aspiring actors, while Justin Theroux plays a director who is strong armed into casting the former (in one of two dual roles) in his new picture. Beyond that, there are mistaken identities, a haunting love story, and typically Lynchian sinister figures who appear and disappear for the purpose of a scene.
As he did for the suburbs with Blue Velvet, David Lynch turns Hollywood into an intensely unsettling place. Everyone has a secret, everyone is running from a dark past, more often than not into an equally dark present.
It’s a baffling proposition, but with magnificent performances from all involved, and an overwhelming sense of vision that you get from few films. Indeed, there are no other films quite like this.