10 Perfect Monster Horror Movies You've Never Heard Of

9. Late Phases

Silver Bullet
Dark Sky Films

Late Phases (also known as Night of the Wolf) follows Ambrose, a blind veteran forced to move into a retirement home. Just when he feels like his life couldn't get more depressing, Ambrose discovers the residents are being picked off by a werewolf.

Thanks to the shoe-string budget, the shapeshifting creatures don't get much screen-time. But when a werewolf does rear its ugly mug, it makes every second count.

Also, Late Nights gets major props for refusing to indulge in CGI. Instead, the filmmakers hired From Dusk 'Till Dawn's makeup artist, Robert Kurtzman, to devise the visuals. The practical effects for the big bad wolf are so impressive, it's a mystery why Hollywood keeps relying on CGI - especially when compared to 2010's The Wolfman.

Even though Late Phases gets pretty zany, Ambrose anchors the story, keeping everything firmly rooted in reality. Despite the fact he's a grouch, he comes across as sympathetic since he's trying to better himself, despite his cantankerous nature. And when Ambrose starts to take charge of the retirement home, the feeble old man turns into an absolute badass.


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