10 Perfect Monster Horror Movies You've Never Heard Of

7. Waxwork

Silver Bullet
Vestron Pictures

Anthony Hickox's directorial debut centres around a horror-themed wax museum that's renowned for containing "the 18 most evil beings". 

Thinking it'll be a laugh, university student Mark and his friends agree to the tour. But as Mark and his buddies make their way through the building, they're transported to pocket dimensions where the monstrous mannequins spring to life. Worst of all, anyone who's slain by these creatures will join the display forever.

The horror-comedy goes all out with its premise, paying homage to many iconic monsters, including some left-field choices like Audrey II and Rosemary's Baby. It's obvious the filmmakers have a ball during production, inserting all sorts of subtle easter eggs. (Purists will appreciate seeing Jason Voorhees actor, Kane Hodder, portraying Frankenstein's Monster.)

It's also a nice touch how each pocket dimension makes a nod to a different aspect of horror. For example, in Dracula's reality, everything is styled like a Hammer production, and the zombie realm is in black-and-white, harkening back to George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead.

Even though Waxwork is a must-watch for any horror advocate.


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