10 Perfect Movie Ideas To Bring Harry Potter Back
So is The Cursed Child genuinely happening then?

It seems inevitable that the Harry Potter film universe will blossom into the kind of Shared Universe that is painfully in vogue at the minute. Once Fantastic Beasts (and its pair of sequels, lest we forget) lands and makes the inevitable hundreds of millions its going to make (don't rule out it closing in on a billion), Warner Bros will look to spinning the franchise further.
Whether that means more canonical spin-offs like Quidditch Through The Ages or Beedle The Bard or sequels with Harry and the class of 1998 now grown up or an entirely different cast (like a new generation of Potters perhaps?) remains to be seen. But there will be more, because Warner Bros aren't stupid.
They will have been delighted to hear that Daniel Radcliffe - an actor who seems to have consciously moved away from the shadow of Potter since the films ended - would potentially be open to returning as the character. All they need now is to get JK Rowling into a room and have her write through some possibilities for how that happens.
Because what Radcliffe has done is basically hand Warner Bros and Rowling the keys to making an even bigger wedge than Fantastic Beasts ever could. And there are a surprising number of possibilities to bring him back in an organic, not TOO forced way...
10. The Return Of Voldemort

As long as there is Harry Potter, there will be a call for his greatest foe to return, or at least for him to play a key role in the narrative. Even if the Dark Lord isn't simply ret-conned back into existence (and that wouldn't be all that hard with some creativity), Rowling could do what Star Wars have done with Kylo Ren. Namely, they could introduce a second generation of fanatics who wish to use Dark Magic to revive him.
The question of Time Turners is already one that The Cursed Child explores, so there is precedent there too. And who doesn't love a time travel movie?
Or they could simply have the shadow of Voldemort rising in Harry's subconscious as his new followers rise to prominence - similar to how Rocksteady did the Joker's post-mortem presence in Arkham Knight. The idea of Ralph Fiennes haunting Potter is just glorious when you think about it.
Chances are, JK Rowling and Warner Bros will choose to move away from their former big bad (not least to imply longevity in new characters), but it would still be a big deal for fans of the series. Particularly for those - like me - who were never quite convinced that Harry was the only Horcrux that could be destroyed without destruction of the host. What if they didn't do it properly?