10 Perfect Psychological Horror Movies You've Never Heard Of

9. The Lodge

A Dark Song
Sony Pictures Releasing

The Lodge opens with a violent suicide and somehow manages to escalate from there. 

In this Netflix original, soon-to-be stepmother Grace is snowed in at an isolated house with her fiancee Richard and his children, Aiden and Mia. Richard heads out to find help, leaving Grace with the kids. Aiden and Mia begin mistreating Grace, blaming her for their mother's suicide. When Grace begins seeing and hearing things in the lodge that she can't explain, she worries she's losing her mind.

What separates The Lodge from similar films is how it's impossible to tell who the victim and villain are until the end. Is there a spiritual force in the cabin or is Grace imagining things? Are the kids pranking her or is something else afoot? Since it's hard to decipher whether the threat is real or not, psychological or supernatural, the tension is permanently off the charts.

When the penny drops during the climax, it should dilute the tension since the mystery has been solved. Instead, things take a turn during the third act that's so disturbing, it's difficult to watch. 

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A Dark Song
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