10 Pitched Movies Hollywood Wasn't Ready For

7. A Solo Catwoman Movie Starring A Middle-Aged Michelle Pfeiffer

Catwoman Michelle Pfeiffer Batman Returns
Warner Bros.

Of the many, many unrealised DC movies over the years, there's perhaps none more intriguing than a 1998 pitch by Tim Burton's regular screenwriter John August, to make a solo Catwoman movie starring Michelle Pfeiffer, serving as a follow-up to Batman Returns.

Despite drumming up producer interest, a studio executive insisted that the movie needed to re-cast Selina Kyle with Sarah Michelle Gellar - almost 20 years Pfeiffer's junior - playing the part. Oh, and it had to feature a scene where she washed her hair...because reasons.

As intriguing as the pitch was, it featured so many things Hollywood hated at the time, namely female-fronted superhero movies, and actresses over the age of 40.

Granted, with the recent success of movies like Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel, and the uptick in revisionist superhero films like Logan focusing on older heroes - a man, granted - it would've been a far more enticing sell if pitched today.

The ship sadly sailed for Pfeiffer, and fans were forced to put up with the atrocious Halle Berry-starring 2004 Catwoman movie instead, before Anne Hathaway restored some dignity to the part in The Dark Knight Rises.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.