10 Plot Points Wonder Woman Stole From Marvel

8. The Evil German Villain...Who Has A Smarter Sidekick

Captain America Red Skull Arnim Zola Wonder Woman General Ludendorff Doctor Poison
Marvel Studios & Warner Bros

Wonder Woman's apparent main villain is German Army General Ludendorff, who is later revealed to have a semi-supernatural aid, a special elixir created by his much smarter and more interesting underling, Doctor Poison. Ludendorff dies, but Poison manages to escape to fight another day.

Captain America similarly features an evil German as its baddie, one Johann Schmidt, who has a supernatural affectation by way of his Red Skull persona, and works with a sidekick, the Nazi biochemist Arnim Zola.

Like Poison, Zola is also much smarter than his boss, and survives the end of the movie to kinda-reappear in The Winter Soldier.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.