9 Pointless Characters From The Dark Knight Saga

6. Desmond Harrington's Character

Chances are, if you saw The Dark Knight Rises in a packed theater, you were able to spot fans of the Showtime series Dexter in the audience when Desmond Harrington showed up on screen. And that's about as important as the character gets. When John Blake attempts to lead an evacuation across Gotham's last standing bridge, Harrington is there to warn him before the bridge is ultimately destroyed to prevent Blake and his group from crossing. Sadly, the scene provides little tension beyond giving Blake something to do on-camera when the real action is taking place elsewhere, as audiences are smart enough to know that Harrington's character isn't going to shoot Blake and that the film isn€™t going to let a bus full of orphans perish in a nuclear explosion. Ultimately, Harrington is an unnecessary character in an unnecessary sequence that might have been better off left on the cutting room floor to keep the rest of the film's pace hurtling forward.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at www.highdefgeoff.com!