9 Pointless Characters From The Dark Knight Saga

4. Patrick Leahy's Character

United States Senator Patrick Leahy was no stranger to all things Batman when he made a cameo at the fundraising party the Joker crashes in search of Harvey Dent. A lifelong fan of the Dark Knight, Leahy had lent his voice to an episode of Batman: The Animated Series in 1995, made a cameo in 1997's Batman & Robin and would also pop up again in The Dark Knight Rises. Although the Joker grabs Leahy, prepping the audience for another great moment as he says, "You remind me of my father," Rachel steps in and breaks it up. Leahy is the only character in the room to stand up to the Joker before Rachel, uttering the line, "We're not intimated by thugs," inadvertently highlighting the irony that every single person in the room is, in fact, intimated by the Joker and his men. Without his line, the overall fear gripping the room would be understandable and worth ignoring, but the fact that he speaks for everyone and the subsequent fact that no one in the giant group outnumbering the Joker and his men, including Leahy himself, steps in to help subdue them when they're distracted by or knocked onto the ground while fighting Batman serves to render his words, courage and appearance hollow and needless.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at www.highdefgeoff.com!