10 Popular Movie Casts That Hate Each Other

6. The MCU

Fast & Furious 6
Marvel Studios

Blade isn't the only Marvel movie to struggle with on set tension, though. The same is present in the company's flagship cinematic universe.

Right from the start, Marvel had issues with trying to make their stars get on, especially when in their very first movie they gave a far more sizeable paycheque to supporting player Terrence Howard than Robert Downey Jr. in the title role as Iron Man.

Once it was clear that Downey was the man to lead the whole mega-franchise into blockbuster domination, his salary shot up with Howard refusing to take a pay cut and being removed from the series in place of Don Cheadle. Howard, blaming Downey personally, spent years bitter and angry at his former co-star. Meanwhile, the sequel's villain Mickey Rourke is also nursing a pretty public resentment against Iron Man and Marvel in general.

The star of Marvel’s second feature, The Incredible Hulk’s Edward Norton, was also cut from the rest of the franchise to be replaced with Mark Ruffalo. The reason Marvel gave for not wanting to continue to work with the notoriously difficult actor? “The need for an actor who embodies the creativity and collaborative spirit of our other talented cast members,” perhaps a dig at his constant rewriting of the Hulk script, something that co-star Tim Roth was none too keen on.


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