10 Popular Movie Casts That Hate Each Other

4. Blade Runner

Fast & Furious 6
Warner Bros.

For a film widely regarded as a modern classic, Blade Runner not only flopped on release but was also an enormously difficult production. Over long, gruelling night shoots, British director Ridley Scott clashed with his American crew before badmouthing them in the British press, and fought with star Harrison Ford. All of this meant that the Blade Runner set was not the happiest of places to be and that extended to the cast.

Ford, already grumpy with Scott's direction, also had a terrible relationship with his replicant love interest Sean Young. So much so that their "love scene", which does indeed today come across as unpleasantly nasty and coercive, was referred to by the crew as a "hate scene."

Young was then a young rising star with a growing alcohol problem that would lead to further tumultuous on set relationships (Charlie Sheen stuck a label with "I'm the biggest c*nt in the world" on her back during the filming of her almost entirely cut role in Wall Street, while James Woods sued her for harrassment while filming The Boost, but then neither of those men have a great reputation of their own).

Young would later refer to her "knack for pissing people off", while it probably doesn't take much to piss off the famously prickly Ford.

By the time of the next movie in the series, decades-later sequel Blade Runner 2049, Ford retained a major role, while Young's Rachael only appeared in a digitally regenerated cameo with the actress only present to coach her double. "I'm not in it enough," was her frank view of a sequel that she found "depressing", "[Even though] the whole storyline is about my character."


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