10 Popular Movie Casts That Hate Each Other

2. Star Wars

Fast & Furious 6

After forty years of an epic space saga, Star Wars’ cast of characters and actors have come and gone. Two, however, remain virtually ever present since the opening scene of the very first movie: droid duo C-3PO and R2-D2 and the men inside their metal casing, Anthony Daniels and Kenny Baker. But, while the characters’ bickering conceals a deep bond of lasting affection, for the actors all there is beneath their metal shells is a decades long feud.

Baker sees Daniels as distant and snobbish, looking down on his co-star both literally and figuratively, referring to how Daniels would never socialise or drink with castmates and was actively rude about attending conventions.

Daniels, meanwhile, views Baker's role inside the diminutive astromech droid as not really acting and not adding anything to the movie. "He might as well be a bucket," he told The Mirror back in 2011, "I mean R2-D2 doesn't even speak," suggesting that Baker's name was only in the credits as a courtesy and a kind of good luck charm.

Baker, for his part, has said that: "Daniels has no time for any of the other actors not just me, and none of them have a good word to say about him. I just don’t like him and have never understood what his problem is."

None of this stopped them from coming back for the sequel trilogy, though!


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