10 Popular Movie Fan Theories Debunked By The Creators

7. Steve Trevor's Life Was Saved By Bathing In Themyscira's Magic Water - Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman Steve Trevor Chris Pine
Warner Bros.

The Theory

After it was confirmed that Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) would be appearing in Wonder Woman 1984 despite clearly being blown to smithereens at the end of the first film, fans concocted a theory that he was actually able to survive the plane explosion due to bathing in Themyscira's magical waters earlier on in the movie.

The idea is clearly that the water's curative powers would be substantial enough to protect Trevor from being disintegrated...and killed by the fall. Er, right.

How It Was Debunked

In a late 2017 interview, Jenkins was asked about the theory and simply said, "I've got bad news for everybody", before laughing.

That's a pretty straight denial, and seems to vibe with persistent rumours that Trevor will actually be resurrected after Diana (Gal Gadot) makes a pact with Hades (rumoured to be Pedro Pascal).


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.