10 Popular TV Actors Whose Big Movie Breaks Totally Backfired

7. January Jones

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Big movie break: X-Men: First Class

Possibly best known for her turn in Mad Men as Betty Draper, January Jones has had roles in an impressive number of TV shows.

Halfway through Mad Men's run, Jones was cast in Matthew Vaughn's 2011 X-Men prequel, X-Men: First Class as Emma Frost.

While most X-Men characters hold a place in the heart of fans of the comics, the White Queen has had quite a substantial role on the page over the years, and it seemed that Jones had landed what could prove to be her biggest role to date in a big name franchise.

To say that X-Men: First Class wasn't the worst of the X-Men franchise is akin to saying that Goebbels wasn't the worst of the Nazis. Technically, you're on solid ground, but it still isn't ground you want to be on.

Despite starring alongside A-listers such as James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender, Jones failed to make much of an impression.

Alongside continuing her role in Mad Men, Jones has starred in a number of shows, including The Last Man on Earth with Will Forte.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.