10 Post-Credits Comic Book Film Scenes That Changed Everything

5. The Avengers

Marvel€™s Avengers film was a landmark in superhero cinematic history; it was the largest collection of big-name heroes to feature in the same film, but it also set up a complex plot showing that Marvel have thought about these plots prior to filming; Thanos turns to the camera in the post credit scene and gives us an evil grin, setting him up to be one of the biggest villains to face the Avengers in an upcoming film. Rumours are now circulating that Thanos will feature in the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy film, and he has been confirmed as the villain in Avengers 3. This scene changed the Avengers universe because we realised that Loki and the Chitauri were ultimately pawns of Thanos. This denigrated Loki as a villain and ensured we all understood who the real villain will be in the second and third phase of the MCU. By offering a hint of this villain who had been otherwise absent from the MCU, The Avengers post-credit scene was unexpected and caught many by surprise; people were unsure of who this menacing figure is, and what role he will play. In correlation with the Thor 2 scene it is clear that the infinity gauntlet will be an integral component of the MCU, so while alone this scene is only a hint, it represents a fundamental shift in the direction of the MCU when it is combined with other films. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqGb4waRtcI

A 21 year old History graduate looking for someone to listen to his ramblings. Lover of comic books, movies and all other superhero related things. Published in The Independent, always looking for interesting things to write about...Follow me on Twitter at @samclements1993, and check out my blog: http://samuelclements.wordpress.com/