10 Post-Credits Movie Scenes EVERYONE Saw Coming

3. Piccolo Survives - Dragonball Evolution

Black Adam Superman

Every so often, a movie is awful enough that a post-credits sequel-bait tease feels more like a threat than a promise of exciting attractions to come. And that's certainly the case with the execrable live-action Dragon Ball adaptation, Dragonball Evolution.

Taking the movie's quality out of the equation for just a second - but only a second - it just never seemed plausible that Dragonball Evolution's primary antagonist, King Piccolo (James Marsters), would be defeated and killed off for good in a single film.

For starters, Piccolo was Dragon Ball's original Bad Guy, and beyond that, his arc eventually saw him pull a face-turn and join the heroes' side, so why would any self-respecting Dragon Ball fan wipe him out in one fell swoop?

Sure, no "self-respecting Dragon Ball fan" played any part in this movie being made, but all the same, nobody believed Piccolo was really gone when Goku (Justin Chatwin) took him out with a Kamehameha Wave at the end.

Lo and behold, the hilariously naff mid-credits scene then showed a woman tending to an unseen figure in bed, before they turned around to reveal that - quel surprise! - they're a very much alive Piccolo.

Mercifully Dragonball Evolution was a dud in every way that a movie can be, so fans never had the proposed sequel foisted upon them.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.