10 Powers You Forgot MCU Characters Had

6. Ant-Man - Communicating With Ants

Thor Hand Shapeshifting
Marvel Studios

Ant-Man's standalone movie is one of the most complete films in the entirety of the MCU with probably some of the best casting of them all: Paul Rudd and Michael Douglas have excellent, soft comedy chemistry alongside Corey Stoll as one of the MCU's best villains but the term 'standalone' is very, very applicable given how few of Ant-Man's powers are carried forwards.

Shrinking down and scaling up in size seem to be all Scott Lang is good for these days, besides of a bit of Quantum Realm familiarity, and it's so disappointing given that the Ant-Man training montage is one of the best parts of the film! We get to see Scott struggling to grasp everything the Ant-Man suit enables him to do and he struggles with nothing more than communicating with Hank Pym's ants.

Yes, naming his chosen ant steed 'Anthony' is a throwaway cringe but the ants themselves are vital to the success of the film's plot and deserve better than to be completely ignored post 'Ant-Man'. The likelihood of this power making it's return from the Quantum Realm of forgetfulness is bleak indeed.

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Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.