10 Practical Film Effects You Probably Thought Were CGI

3. The Inside Of Arnie's Head In Terminator 2

Terminator 2
Tristar Pictures / Carolco

This one€™s pure genius. Anyone who€™s seen the extended edition of Terminator 2: Judgment Day will remember the cool added scene where Sarah Connor removes the CPU from Arnold Schwarzenegger€™s T-800. Most probably didn'€™t realise, though, that this scene was achieved without a single digital advancement.

James Cameron and his team framed this scene very cleverly. In the foreground of shots like the one pictured above, you€™re actually looking at a prosthetic mould of Arnie€™'s head with added open-able bits. That€™s the real Linda Hamilton and the real Edward Furlong stood close to the camera. The real Arnie, however, is in the background portraying his own reflection. There isn€™t really a mirror at all!

Leslie Hamilton Gearren €“ identical twin to Linda Hamilton €“ is playing her sister€™s reflection in the background, while a body double stands in for Furlong, facing away from the camera. Perhaps if more filmmakers remembered that practical effects could be this convincing, we wouldn€™t have ended up with the mindless CGI dud of Genisys last year.

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Film & TV journo. Quite tall.