10 Pre-2000 Movies With Special Effects That Still Hold Up Today

2. The Matrix (1999)

Believe it or not, The Matrix was released 15 years ago and much like T2, it changed the face of cinema forever, with special effects that could easily slot into some of today's blockbusters. It also, for good or bad, introduced bullet time to the masses and inspired a ridiculous number of imitators; but it is the original which still holds up the best. Every man and his dog knows the story of The Matrix but, in case you have been living under a rock for the last 15 years, the movie deals with Keanu Reeves' Neo discovering that the world around him is actually a faux reality created by machines, in order to distract humans while they drain our lifeforce. It's an incredibly unique idea and one which afforded the Wachowski's the chance to wow us with some jaw dropping effects; with the film's opening scene instantly hooking the viewer into its world. You could almost sense every audience member's jaw hit the floor as Trinity, one of our heroes, jumps and freezes in mid air, as the camera revolves around her before snapping back into life, just in time for her to deliver a swift kick to some poor security guard. It's a great introduction to bullet time and, as the movie progresses, we are witness to even more incredible feats, the most impressive of which involves a helicopter crashing into the side of a building. Rather than exploding on impact, the chopper seemingly sinks into the building, causing a ripple effect, before exploding in a glorious show of pyrotechnics as Trinity narrowly escapes an untimely death. It is a testament to the effects team that you can still watch The Matrix today and be instantly mesmerised all over again at how convincing all of it looks, with the only thing that comes across as fake being Keanu Reeves' rather wooden performance.

An opinionated gamer and movie lover. When not writing about Movies, Games and TV, I am usually watching/playing Movies, Games and TV and occasionally trying to be funny on stage. All published articles will be linked to my twitter so feel free to follow me @mark_woodrow