10 Precise Moments Horror Icons Stopped Being Scary

8. The Blair Witch Project - Seeing The Witch

Freddy Krueger Behind The Scenes

Now, this one is controversial as there's a clear cut argument for Blair Witch being a terrifying, appropriate sequel that utilities its source material and builds upon it carefully; creating something equally as scary as its predecessor with a modern, engaging twist.

However, in being so bold as to follow up to the seminal found footage film, there's always the risk that the original terror from the first movie will be filtered down and ultimately changed - which is what some would claim to be the case with Blair Witch.

Blair Witch is the film that gives the titular baddie a physical form in the woods. Unlike other horror films, it never reveals too much, showing a stretchy-limbed pasty woman running about just off screen instead of anything substantial. In giving the previously invisible monster a presence at all however; it creates a glass ceiling for just how scary the film can be - and an extended pause is all it takes to remove the bite from the creature we're shown.

Horror really has a thing for white skinned long people. Apply any other film that shows a little too much in bad CGI or misapplied makeup, and the Blair Witch shoots itself in the foot.


Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.