10 Prequel Movies That Improved The Original

6. Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga

Pearl Mia Goth
Warner Bros.

The recent Furiosa isn't quite the face-melting spectacle that Mad Max: Fury Road was, but it is nevertheless a tenacious, deftly crafted prequel that makes the fan favourite title character (played here by Anya Taylor-Joy) even more fascinating and awesome.

Somewhat ironically though, the strongest part of the movie is the opening half without Taylor-Joy, where Alyla Browne portrays Furiosa as a child and teenager, whose tranquil existence in the Green Place is upended by the murder of her mother Mary (Charlee Fraser) at the hands of the villainous Dementus (Chris Hemsworth).

If Fury Road was a pedal-to-the-metal action extravaganza that took only occasional breaths to field out morsels of character development, Furiosa is a calmer, slower prequel which makes the audience acutely aware of how Furiosa becomes the stoic, hardened warrior she is when we meet her in Fury Road.

While many Mad Max fans were initially disappointed that George Miller didn't give them a direct sequel to Fury Road instead, Furiosa at least deepened that movie in a way its own relentless pace simply wouldn't allow.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.