10 Prequel Movies That Improved The Original

3. Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me

Pearl Mia Goth

The original iteration of David Lynch's Twin Peaks may be a TV series, but this prequel film - which was a critical and commercial dud upon release - has been re-evaluated in recent years as a genuinely vital addendum to the show.

The entire appeal of Fire Walk with Me is that it lets audiences spend two hours with Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee) prior to her murder at the start of the series, allowing her to exist as a flesh-and-blood human being rather than a victim merely whispered about by so many others.

Within the context of Twin Peaks as a whole, Fire Walk with Me adds so much to Laura's backstory leading up to her death that it doesn't feel like a fanciful for-the-diehards prequel whatsoever, but required viewing once you've reached the end of the original series. And the credit is due as much to Sheryl Lee as it is Lynch, given the utterly heartbreaking tenacity of her performance as Laura. 

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.