10 Problems That Made Movies Better

9. Disney Ordering Reshoots Gives Us A Stunning Ending - Rogue One

X-2 X-men United

History has taught us that reshoots can often muddle the vision and/or make a film that was once on the verge of being special, quite the opposite.

So, Star Wars fans were understandably a bit worried when news began doing the rounds of Gareth Edward's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story being sent back for reshoots by Disney six months out from its release date.

The House of Mouse were reportedly "not happy" with the first cut the director had delivered, leading to four weeks of rather expensive reshoots, largely spent rejigging the climactic third act of the feature.

Though some fans were left wondering where a few of the stand-out moments in the various trailers for the film had disappeared to, many were too busy getting swept away by one of the finest closing stretches of a Star Wars film ever made to care about those changes.

In the place of a sequence involving a TIE Fighter staring down Jyn Urso, among others, a pulsating conclusion involving the heroes beaming the Death Star plans to the Rebels and that Darth Vader massacre were introduced. And boy, are we glad they were.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...