10 Problems With The Modern Movie Industry Nobody Ever Admits
Forget #OscarsSoWhite, this is what we should talk about.
If the movie industry was just the movies, then everything would be perfect. The filmgoing experience would be simply a case of watching the film and then discussing what you've just watched; pure simple bliss. Even if a movie's not good, it's still a lot of fun to dissect why it's a steaming pile. In truth though, the film business is still, well, a business and with that comes all the complications and confusion you'd expect. From development to distribution, advertising to analysis, there are some pretty seismic issues with cinema at the moment, problems made all the worse because we don't seem to be talking about them. Hot button issues like the recent #OscarsSoWhite fiasco get pride of place in coverage of the industry, and while they're certainly things that need addressing (even if laying blame for that particular problem at the Academy's feet misses the wider scope of the problem of inequality across Hollywood), there's other issues, particularly on the consumer side of things, that need addressing. So let's get the conversation going. These aren't necessarily the biggest problems with movie industry, but the ten things that I think we're ignoring and, at the very least, should be considered before they irreversibly hurt the glitz and glamour of the silver screen.