10 Proposed Movies That Need To Be Stopped

9. Night at the Museum 3

Night at the Museum 2 When It's Out: December 24th, 2014 Why It Needs To Be Stopped: I enjoyed the first Night at the Museum; it was a goofy, silly diversion that didn't take itself too seriously, and was a nice film that the whole family could watch around the holiday period, when everyone's critical faculties are at their most forgiving. A sequel, Battle of the Smithsonian, arrived a few years later, and though boasting tremendous visual effects, was really just a rote rehash, despite starring talented actors like Amy Adams. A third film is currently being penned, and though Ben Stiller claimed a while ago that the story had been worked out, it's not exactly like the narrative has been the best thing about these films; it's usually the silly cameos from great actors, and the stellar visuals. Still, is that really enough to earn this a third go around the money pot? The series has performed well at the box office to date - and a third film would likely continue the trend - but it's just so unimaginative and lazy. Shawn Levy can churn these films out in his sleep.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.