10 Under-Rated Comic Book Movies You Need To Love

6. Daredevil: Director's Cut

2003's Daredevil was rightly given mixed reviews from critics (45%), even if it did make $179 million against a $79 million budget. Over the years, it has become something of a de facto punching bag for comic book fans, a movie that's easy to criticise for its schmaltzy plot and indifferent performance from Ben Affleck (with criticism being renewed when he was announced as the new Batman). However, in 2004, a Director's Cut of the movie was released on DVD, which didn't just restore the film's R-rating, but re-inserted an entire subplot into the movie. Yes, Affleck still wasn't a particularly gripping Daredevil, but when everything else around him feels so much tighter, it's less of an issue. Containing over 30 minutes of material not seen in the theatrical release, this is a considerably more hard-edged movie, toning down the romance between Daredevil and Elektra (the sex scene is omitted completely) and instead focusing on the brutality of the fights, and Matt Murdock as a human being. The added subplot has Murdock defending a gangster (played by Coolio) who is framed for murder by Kingpin, which strengthens Murdock's reasons to want to bring the villain down and further immerses us in the depraved locale of Hell's Kitchen. It's still far from perfect, but this is the Daredevil movie fans deserved, yet due to the negative reception of the theatrical cut, sadly most viewers interested in the movie have likely sworn it off altogether.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.