10 Under-Rated Comic Book Movies You Need To Love

4. The Punisher

Here's an R-rated comic book character that sadly didn't enjoy the success of the Blade movies: the Thomas Jane-starring vigilante flick The Punisher bowed to a critical drubbing (29%) and a so-so box office ($54 million against a $33 million budget), despite the fact that it's actually rather good. Roger Ebert described the movie as "grim and cheerless", though it seems that he and many other critics clearly didn't pick up on the movie's deliciously dark, sadistic bent of humour, delivered with demented aplomb by Jane, a confessed fan of the source material. It may not have had the most complex narrative, but The Punisher was a wildly bombastic entertainment, a tough-edged rebuke to the easy morality of most comic book movies, asking more challenging questions about the nature of vengeance, and boasting plenty of violence in accompaniment. A riveting throwback to the politically questionable revenge thrillers of decades past, The Punisher deserved to find an audience, though sadly didn't. Jane however continues to show passion for the character, even starring in a recent short film, Dirty Laundry, hoping to again drum up enthusiasm for another sequel.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.