10 Raunchy Moments When Jennifer Aniston Went Bad

2. Horrible Bosses

Horrible Bosses Taking her image and throwing it out of the window in some style, Horrible Bosses represented something entirely new for Aniston. She was able to embrace her dark side with glee, playing a nymphomaniac, megalomaniac dentist with a near-violent desire to sleep with her assistant. Quite how that qualifies her as "horrible" remains to be clarified, but the set-up allowed for some incredibly memorable scenes, including the scene in which she wears nothing but a long white dentist coat, and the one where she drugs her quarry, and poses him in compromising positions with her in lingerie to attempt to blackmail him. Not only has Aniston never been this funny - especially outside of Friends - this is also probably the hottest she's ever been, and that's not even mentioning the ridiculously provocative banana eating scene shown above.

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