10 Real Reactions To Behind-The-Scenes Movie Screw-Ups

9. Anne Hathaway Falls Off A Step - The Princess Diaries

Sometimes a piece of direction can be the key to unlocking something brilliant in a scene, yet on other occasions a specific note can be an actor's worst enemy.

The order given to Anne Hathaway during one particular scene in The Princess Diaries definitely falls into the latter category.

In a scene which saw her character, Mia Thermopolis, talking to her best bud Lilly Moscovitz (Heather Matarazzo) on some bleachers, the late director Garry Marshall told Hathaway that 'Whenever Heather Matarazzo (is) at the bottom step, I want you to be at the top step of the bleacher.'

Hathaway kept the note at the forefront of her mind throughout the scene and in one particular take she realised that the pair were going to end up on the same step and decided to turn sharply in order to avoid not delivering on the note.

Oh, it had also rained a bit beforehand...you can see where this is going.

The actor completely wiped out on the slippy step for real and the reaction from Matarazzo was completely in the moment, too.

Luckily, the happy accident worked a treat in the charming scene so Marshall opted to leave it in the finished product.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...