10 Real Reactions To Behind-The-Scenes Movie Screw-Ups

7. Kurt Russell Destroys Antique Guitar - The Hateful Eight

If you're fond of antique musical instruments then it's probably wise to look away now.

During a scene in The Hateful Eight (2015) Jennifer Jason Leigh's Daisy Domergue had just finished playing a tune on an extremely rare Martin guitar from the 1860s when Kurt Russell's John "The Hangman" Ruth snatched the instrument out of her hands.

Leigh was pretty sure that Russell would have to swap out the antique for a dummy guitar before smashing it to pieces...only, he didn't.

Russell wasn't aware and was said to have felt terrible after finding out that he'd just pulverised a $40,000 one-of-a-kind piece of musical history, but it was Leigh's reaction in the scene which told the real story.

Clearly channelling her own shock when Russell started to demolish the guitar - Leigh was saving up to actually buy the Martin after the film - the actor looked genuinely traumatised at the sight of her on-screen captor murdering this ancient musical relic.

It all worked out for her in the end, however, as Tarantino gifted the actor an 1880s Martin at the end of filming which she claimed was 'kind of extraordinary'.

Shame about the first one, though.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...