10 Reasons Being Batman Would Totally Suck

7. None Of His Personalities Get Along

batman reboot

It's not easy being Bruce Wayne AND Batman. Bruce Wayne has quite the reputation to hold up and so does Batman. In public Bruce Wayne has to keep up his image as a billionaire playboy but in private he is often brooding over several different unfortunate things that have happened in his life. It's no easy task acting like you're a billionaire that hasn't a care in the world after you've just seen a villain or someone you care about die during your escapades as Batman the night before. In that same respect Batman also can't show that his emotions have been effected either or that would make him vulnerable. If nothing else it must get very confusing trying to portray many different personalities at different times. It must get even more confusing when he hits up a Mcdonald's drive-thru and uses the Batman voice. Having a secret identity is essential to being a superhero but make no mistake about it, that doesn't mean that it's fun. Having a secret identity has it's benefits and surely it keeps you safe when you're not out doing superhero things but also has quite a few negatives. When you have a secret identity it automatically means you have quite a few people who are going to great lengths to find out who you are. These people either want to know who you are so that they can give you credit for the things you've done or so that they can destroy you when you are most vulnerable. There may be quite a few people who think that the things Batman has done for Gotham are great and just want to buy the guy a sandwich as a way to say thanks. They will never be able to buy Batman that sandwich however. It may be the sandwich he deserves...but it's not the one he needs right now.
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I am a writer/musician and hopeless entertainment addict. I could talk your ear off all day about my vast (albeit completely useless) knowledge of pro-wrestling and then argue with you how the characters in LOST were more important than the plot itself. Yeah I'm that guy. Follow me on twitter @IAMJoshFoster.