10 Reasons Critics Are Calling Interstellar A Disappointment

1. Disappointing Ending

If there's one thing Nolan knows how to pull off, it's an ending. Pretty much every film he's made to date has concluded in blisteringly spectacular, satisfying fashion, though even some of the positive reviews for Interstellar have taken umbrage with Nolan's third act resolution. While any spolerific hints to the finale have been deleted from the comments below, the consensus seems to be that Nolan takes the easy way out rather than opting for something far more philosophical, vague and interesting as in, say, the film it clearly borrows a lot from, 2001: A Space Odyssey. The Wrap: "The resolution of €œInterstellar€ feels so inorganic that you'd swear it was concocted by a Glendale focus group." HitFix: "Nolan makes a misstep here in the story he's telling." IGN: "However, some may be forced to disembark during what is - in many ways - a clunky final act...The climax is where the film seems to make a conscious decision to entirely divorce itself of its own logic...The audience is left with not so much grand philosophical questions, but with head-scratching queries about how 1 plus 2 ended up equaling C." Topless Robot: "If you haven't guessed one of the film's final plot developments within the first 20 minutes, you are most likely not a nerd, and may well have never even seen a sci-fi movie before." USA Today: "Seems to tie things up far too neatly for a film about the complex messiness that comes with a world that has taken dramatic wrong turns." Movie City News: "After all of the drama of the film...the idea that it is all reduced to something so small and carefully undetailed as the very ending is the final heartbreak of this film for me." Have you been lucky enough to see Interstellar yet? Or what do you make of the reviews so far? Shout it out in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.